Harry Karl
I was born in South Auckland and bought up on local dairy farms. At 18 I moved overseas serving in the Royal Air Force as a pilot in Britain, Germany and USA until 1989. I then returned home and flew for Air NZ until retirement in 2000. We have had a house in Matarangi for 20 years and have been living here for 10.
I’ve served on the Fishing Club Committee for 10 years, 3 as President, the Reserves Management Committee for 9 years and joined the Rate Payers’ Association Committee in 2014.
My main reason for serving on this committee is to keep all the reserves and open space properly maintained, including sports facilities, playgrounds and the boat ramp.
With the ever-expanding population at Matarangi we need to ensure that the basic services supplied by TCDC are upgrade so that they can cope with the increased demand.