MRAI Submission to TCDC Long Term Plan 2021-2031
Matarangi Ratepayers Association Incorporated
Chairman Secretary
Mark Bedford Kieran Mullins
26 March 2021
(Community Initiative) Issue 2
On 23rd September 2020, a tripartite group (MRAI, Matarangi Community Trust (MCT) and Matarangi Land Holdings Ltd (MLH)) presented a community initiative discussion document to the Audit Committee of TCDC (A committee of TCDC which is independently chaired and includes the Mayor and all Councillors). Following this meeting, Council at its next meeting confirmed that it would engage with this group to resolve issues from the past and delegated this task to TCDC CEO and his senior staff.
During the ensuing months, several meetings were held and various iterations of options to resolve the open space issues were discussed in good faith. All parties were committed to find a long-term resolution that would ensure that the land currently occupied by the Matarangi Golf Course would be zoned open space, protected in perpetuity, and managed by the community. Council required simultaneous consideration of Matarangi issues of mutual benefit including stormwater storage (currently held in lakes on the Golf Course property) and some infrastructure issues relating to future subdivisions. To resolve the open space issue, there appeared to be two potential options that could be included in the TCDC LTP.
The release of the LTD Consultation document has raised some very serious questions for our entire community. After the preceding discussions in good faith it was unexpected for Council to have resolved to prefer a third option (Option 1) DO NOTHING (i.e. Do not proceed with the proposal to purchase Matarangi land and buildings currently occupied by the Matarangi Golf Course). The Matarangi representatives see Option 1, do nothing, as a complete reversal of the decision of Council to work with the Matarangi Community to solve the open space issues. More seriously, this option and the construction of the other two options, has taken place without adequate consultation or agreement with the Matarangi Community. Total TCDC ownership of the land and buildings has not been agreed to by the current owners, Matarangi Land Holding Limited. We would respectfully suggest that Council reflects on these issues during it deliberations on the LTP and resolve under no circumstances to accept Option one…DO NOTHING.
The issues in Matarangi should not be lumped in with TCDCs Open Space and Community Facilities Strategy 2020, these issues are historical and the inaction by TCDC over the years by failing to register appropriate encumbrances to ensure the maintenance of these open spaces in perpetuity MUST be addressed by TCDC. Failure to do so is an abdication of your responsibility. MRAI reiterates its willingness to work with our community and TCDC to solve this problem, it will not go away, and it will cost all of us in the future. This is not about a golf course, it is about the permanent protection of this very vulnerable piece of land.
Since 1985, Matarangi volunteers have worked thousands of hours and MRAI has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on ensuring the District Plans contain provisions appropriate for development and the provision of open space. The overall cost to other parties including TCDC has topped $1 million. These costs will continue unless a permanent solution is reached.
TCDC, through its elected Councillors, would in our view, be derelict in their duties, if the current Council preferred option 1 (DO NOTHING) remains.
Thank you all for the opportunity to submit to the TCDC LTP.
On behalf of MRAI
Yours sincerely
Mark Bedford