Last week Chair Mark Bedford met with Thames Coromandel District Council to continue ongoing discussions around the “three waters” (potable, waste and storm) at Matarangi. MRAI will continue to work closely with TCDC to ensure the best outcomes for Matarangi rate payers and residents.
At the time of writing we are aware of some issues with the water storage tanks on the hill, which will require further discussion following the recent geotechnical report commissioned by council.
Matarangi now has a Community Patrol, initiated by MRAI committee member and well-known local businessman and community supporter Mark Hall.
A Holden Trax has been funded jointly by Beach Realty, Matarangi Ratepayers Association Inc, Matarangi Volunteer Rural Fire Force and the Matarangi Community Trust. DJ Mellor from Sub Signs provided graphics to complete the official vehicle.
A team of local volunteers has been recruited after a public meeting in March where the need for a crime reduction community service was discussed. The Patrol will come under the umbrella of the Mercury Bay Community Patrol and CPNZ, the Community Patrols of New Zealand organisation.
Community Patrols are organised and operated by their local communities and raise operating expenses through sponsorship, grants and donations. Prospective patrollers have a police security clearance check and go through a compulsory CPNZ training programme before they can start volunteering.
“Volunteers work closely with police as their extra eyes and ears to help build safer communities”, said Mark. “In partnership with others such as security firms, the team helps to prevent crime through the active presence of trained patrollers within the community”.
MRAI is aware that the refuse transfer station gets full to overflowing especially at long weekends. We have raised this with TCDC and have received a response from their refuse contractors. At Queen’s Birthday Weekend, road flooding was blamed as the cause of refuse build up, but the contractors report that they have a major problem with illegally dumped rubbish at the Matarangi Refuse Station.
Staff have reported that there is always illegal dumping left outside the entry gate when they arrive for work which causes problems. The Contract Manager carries out random audits on a monthly basis which show the Matarangi site has achieved the highest scores over the years of the contract and staff work hard to manage the flow of refuse.
To help with this problem and keep the very visible refuse station area from looking so unsightly, MRAI would like to remind residents that rubbish can only be accepted when the site is open. After hours rubbish can only be left in the appropriate area in pre-paid blue bags. If large items such as furniture are left in front of the gates when the dump is closed this causes problems for the contractor.
If you have guests staying at your property could you leave them information that lets them know the refuse station time table and protocol.
Refuse station staff have also recently reported that there is no longer an afterhours cardboard drop off facility at the Matarangi station, therefore if cardboard is left, it blows around and causes problems. Please flatten any cardboard and place it in your wheelie bin or bring it in when the transfer station is open.
Your ratepayers’ association is constantly working on a variety of issues which will keep our community safe, beautiful and a joy to live in or visit. Some of these include:
Supporting the Matarangi Community Trust on its submission to TCDC regarding Open Spaces
Working towards resolving issues with TCDC regarding potable, waste and storm water
Supporting the newly established Community Patrol
Supporting the establishment of AED’s (defibrillators) in Matarangi
Your membership fees go towards these initiatives which improve the facilities and wellbeing of our community. If you know anyone new to the area, please encourage them to become a member