Highlights of the AGM • Bluff Road was reopened for walkers and cyclists in time for the summer holidays. • The public tennis courts need deferred maintenance. • MRAI is considering the establishment of a Matarangi Community Trust to operate in a public private partnership with TCDC and to apply for grants from other government and private sources. Its first project would be to upgrade and maintain the tennis courts for continued public access. • MRAI will make submissions to TCDC on provision for Matarangi infrastructure and amenities in the upcoming TCDC Long Term Plan 2018-28 and how they can be funded in partnership with TCDC. • The Burfoot Limited Appeal (now BFT Limited) relating to the Matarangi Structure Plan in the new District Plan was settled and will result in the formation of a large Harbour Park, a reserve around the fire station and commercial area, extension of the spit coastal walkway from the boat ramp area to the east and pathways providing through the upcoming subdivisions to provide connectivity for residents, including fully formed paths around all three new lakes. • Golf (2012) Appeal: Support for the TCDC Open Space zoning of the golf course lands owned by Golf (2012) Limited, which has appealed to the Environment Court to have the whole of the property zoned Residential. The following motion was passed by an overwhelming majority:
That the Matarangi Ratepayers Association endorses the Thames Coromandel District Council Decisions Version of the District Plan, and supports the retention of the land presently used as a golf course as open space.
• Votes were carried with acclamation in appreciation of the long service to the Association by Auditor Trevan Smith and Secretary James Scott, both of whom are leaving Matarangi to return to Auckland.
• Full details are in the attachedAGM Minutes.
Minutes of the 18th Annual General Meeting
Minutes of the 18th Annual General Meeting of Matarangi Ratepayers Association [Incorporated], held as a Public Meeting at 9:30 am on Sunday 29th January 2018 at the
Matarangi Fire Station.
Because of matters of current community interest, the AGM was an open meeting.
Chairman Alastair MacCormick extended a welcome to the more than 200
attendees, and especially to Councillor Tony Fox and Mercury Bay Community Board Chair Paul Kelly.
Apologies had been received from: Coromandel MP Scott Simpson, Mayor Sandra Goudie,
Cllr.Murray MacLean. Proxies had been received on behalf of : G Short, B Green.
Further apologies: Ben Green, Grant Short, K & G Davison, D & A Metcalfe; M & L Juddery,
H & T Kedzlie, J & G Middleton, R Green, D Wright.
The minutes of previous AGM on 29 January 2017 were promulgated in the Newsletter
February 2017. Matters arising from these Minutes would be dealt with in the Chairman’s
Report and in General Business.
Chairman’s Report [Alastair MacCormick] Welcome
“It is a pleasure to have with us today Councillor Tony Fox, and the Chair of the Mercury Bay
Community Board, Paul Kelly. Apologies have been received from the MP for Coromandel,
Scott Simpson, the Mayor Sandra Goudie, Councillor Murray MacLean and TCDC Area Manager Allan Tiplady. Scott Simpson specifically asked me to convey his support for the activities of the Association.
The Year in Review: Matarangi Amenities Bluff Road TCDC responded constructively and positively to strongly voiced community concerns about the closure of the Bluff Road last summer. The Mayor took a personal interest in Bluff Road access and the Council found a way to restore the track for walking and cycling. We thank Council and its’ officers for the work that was done before Christmas so that the road could be open over the summer.
Tennis Courts
Three pairs of tennis courts at Matarangi were transferred to TCDC ownership in 2016. Since then, TCDC has carried out minor maintenance of the perimeter fences and the nets.
The courts are at 100 Matarangi Drive, 105 Matai Place and 624 Matarangi Drive, and access is open to all. The three locations are widely separated from each other, making it unworkable to form a tennis club with controlled access and membership subscriptions that would take responsibility for maintenance. Support of a tennis club would also be limited by the low resident population base in relation to the non-permanent population of property owners, their guests and renters of property.
The courts at 624 Matarangi Drive have an artificial turf surface in a poor state of repair to the point where the surface has been lifting and presenting dangers to players. Replacement of the artificial turf would cost in excess of $60,000. Although they are hard courts, the others
will still require maintenance.
The Matarangi Ratepayers Association seeks to come to an agreement with TCDC for the term maintenance and operation of these courts.
Boat Ramp Area
Addition of a pontoon to the existing boat ramp and jetty was completed as Council promised, just before Christmas. TCDC has responsibility for keeping this ramp operational – this includes clearing the channel from the harbour to the ramp.
As indicated in the current Long Term Plan, the Council plans to introduce charging for the
use of this ramp now the upgrade is complete.
TCDC Long Term Plan 2018-2027 Every three years New Zealand local authorities are required to update their 10-year plan. TCDC is currently preparing their new plan and we can expect it to be publicly notified in a few months’ time.
The plan describes the Council's financial strategy and financial position for the next 10 years. It includes the income and expenditure budgets for each council activity and shows the impact of these budgets on rates and user fees. In it we will see what provision Council plans for our infrastructure and amenities
Matarangi is a beach-side community that is mainly a holiday destination but which also attracts permanent residents, including retirees. Given this dominant usage, our Association considers it is vital to maintain and enhance the infrastructure and amenities which make Matarangi such a popular destination. The current Long Term Plan 2015-2024 covers water supply, wastewater treatment, the Village Green reserve and the Boat Ramp.
Apart from what is now accepted as the normal supply restriction during the peak summer holiday time, a recent sudden restriction to our water supply was necessary owing t o the failure of a pump at the water treatment plant. This shows how vulnerable a system is to disruption when it lacks protection by duplicating critical components. MRAI has the benefit of in-house civil engineering advice on security and quality of the Matarangi supply.
The wastewater treatment plant has reached capacity to service the number of lots which have been subdivided. The developer BFT Limited recently applied for a 120 lot subdivision, but TCDC would approve only a 70 lot subdivision on account of the wastewater limitation.
The new Long Term Plan will have to incorporate provision for extension of the plant. MRAI has been participating in a TCDC working group which has been considering the issues. We thank Bob Stevens for representing MRAI on this group.
Your Association will take a close interest in the new Long Term Plan, to ensure that there is
a sustainable plan for the maintenance of Matarangi infrastructure and amenities. The
current Plan did not make provision for other amenities, such as tennis courts, now in Council ownership, and development of the Harbour Park.
Discussions with Council officers will include the question of how to fund enhancement and
maintenance of all our amenities. It is highly likely that TCDC will suggest that community
participation and support would help to bring forward some of the projects. Other
communities in the district have applied to Trust Waikato, the NZ Community Trust, the
Lottery Community Committees (Waikato and National) and pub charities, to name a
few examples of funding sources.
Proposal for a new Matarangi Community Entity
Discussions with TCDC about the future of the tennis courts have given rise to your committee considering the need for a new entity. One proposal is that MRAI sponsor a Matarangi Community Trust. Key elements of this proposal are:
The purposes of the trust would be for the benefit of the public at Matarangi, specifically to:
a. Support and maintain facilities and other amenities for community and public use at
Matarangi for active and passive sports and recreation.
b. Support Matarangi clubs, societies and other entities that operate to benefit
community and public use of local Matarangi amenities, open spaces and reserves.
c. Support public welfare, health and safety, and emergency management for
Matarangi residents and visitors and Matarangi entities.
The trust would be formed by a deed of trust, and the initial trustees would apply for
incorporation and registration as a charity.
It is envisaged that the Matarangi Community Trust would be an ideal vehicle to operate in a
public private partnership with TCDC and to apply for grants from other government and
private sources. Its first project would be to upgrade and maintain the tennis courts for
continued public access.
Thames-Coromandel District Plan
Councils are required to revise their District Plans every 10 years. TCDC commenced the
current cycle in October 2012 by publishing a Draft Plan for community consultation prior
to commencing the formal process with public notification in December 2013 of its Proposed
Thames-Coromandel District Plan. Final submissions on the Proposed District Plan closed on 16 June 2014 and a Panel of Commissioners held hearings during 2014 - 2015.
The recommended decisions of the Commissioners were adopted by Council on 6 April 2016 and released as the Decisions Version of the District Plan. Submitters not satisfied with the Council's decision on a submission they had made could appeal to the Environment Court.
Appeals can be resolved through negotiation, mediation or an Environment Court hearing.
Golf (2012) Ltd and Burfoot Ltd both lodged appeals with the Environment Court against parts of the Decisions Version of the Thames Coromandel Proposed District Plan. The Golf (2102) appeal relates to the zoning of the golf course land, while the Burfoot Ltd appeal concerns the planning controls over their undeveloped land. The Thames Coromandel District Council is cited as respondent. Under Section 274 of the Resource Management Act, MRAI became a party to these proceedings, with the objective of continuing to represent the best interests of Matarangi ratepayers.
Burfoot Limited Appeal
The Burfoot Limited Appeal sought changes to the Matarangi Structure Plan that contains
specific provisions governing development at Matarangi. This appeal was resolved by
mutual agreement between the parties and approved by the Environment Court through a Consent Order in May 2017.
The key items that were agreed are:
1. A reserve surrounding the Fire Station and Commercial Area which will act as a buffer
between these activities and future adjacent residences.
2. A proposed harbour reserve is now clearly defined. This will enable a future Park
Management Plan to provide for a family-friendly Harbour Park with access to a beach,
and separated from the boat ramp and boat trailer park areas. The road leading to the
boat ramp will have greater than normal width to enable boat trailer parking to take place
on both sides of the road and on the median strip.
3. Walkways/cycle ways to provide high connectivity through the subdivisions and a
round four proposed lakes.
4. Consideration of relief to the developer permitting land such as lakes to confer a multi-purpose credit against either or both of the stormwater provisions and development
5.When future subdivisions in the Structure plan area are not in accordance with Structure
Plan rules and become a Discretionary Activity, the normal tests public notification tests
will apply. MRAI has been specifically identified as a relevant party to be notified.
MRAI thanks TCDC and Burfoot Ltd. for their constructive approach in resolving this appeal.
Since resolution Burfoot Ltd has had a name change to BFT Ltd, but the underlying ownership control remains with Winton Capital.
Open Space Zoning and the Golf (2012) Ltd Appeal
When zoning the land owned by Golf (2012) Ltd, all versions of the Proposed District Plan
(draft, notified and decisions)
i retained the existing Open Space zoning for the spit end of the peninsula;
ii the 100 metre set-back from the shore-line on Holes 1 and 2;
iii extended the Open Space zoning to the entire golf course property, in place of the
Recreation Passive zone in the Operative District Plan.
The Golf (2012) submissions on the notified District Plan opposed the conversion of their land currently zoned Recreation Passive to Open Space, and the inclusion of their land into the Matarangi Structure Plan - especially Holes 1 and 2. Golf (2012)’s Appeal to the Environment Court requests that the entire golf course be rezoned residential. In general terms, the Golf (2012) Ltd appeal contends that the golf course area is private property, and that an Open Space zoning will unreasonably constrain its use of the land. The appeal seeks that all the golf course area be zoned Residential, and not Open Space as recommended in the Decisions Version of the PDP.
MRAI considers the best use of the land is to retain it as the open space that Matarangi
residents and visitors enjoy for walking and golf. The Dunes is one of the best golf courses in
the Waikato region, and provides a significant amenity for Matarangi residents and visitors.
The new subdivisions at Matarangi that are proposed for areas long been earmarked for
residential use, mean an even greater need to retain the open space areas and recreational
opportunities provided by the golf course. Once lost these will not be recoverable.
Ample reserves and recreational facilities differentiate an isolated seaside community from
an urban suburb. It is the overall combination of ocean and harbour beaches for swimming
and water sports, and developed facilities for walking, cycling, boating, fishing, tennis and golf that make Matarangi such an attractive destination for residents and holiday-makers.
MRAI is actively and vigorously supporting the TCDC defence of the Open Space Zone. It has retained a team of professional experts in environmental issues. The team is led by Russell Bartlett QC, and also includes barrister Michael Savage, landscape architect and Boffa Miskell director Rachel de Lambert, and planner Jeff Brown. Early on your committee approved the appointment of a Liaison Group to work with our professional team. In addition to our Deputy Chairman Keith Cullum and myself, the members are Ross Green, Ross Healy and Rod Cameron. Rod is the leader of the Holes 1 and 2 Group which is a s274 party to the appeal proceedings. These people have between them extraordinary expertise and experience in property and planning and we thank them for their voluntary commitment.
During 2017 the appeal has been in mediation to establish whether or not it is possible for
the parties to agree on a settlement. Failure to settle will result in an Environment Court
hearing in 2018 to determine the matter.
The evolution of Matarangi as a holiday settlement has, since the 1970’s, been closely linked
to the continued existence of the open space provided by the golf course area. The
‘development’ of this area would be a repudiation of the basis on which development rights
have been granted at Matarangi over many decades. In the view of MRAI (and a clear majority of residents and ratepayers) this outcome would be totally unacceptable.
It is a fact, however, that if the Golf {2012} Ltd appeal succeeds, it will affect every property
owner at Matarangi. This is far from a concern just for golfers and for residents whose properties front onto the golf course. The open space represented by the golf course is vital to maintaining Matarangi as a quality holiday destination and the threat that this significant green space could be built over affects the whole Matarangi community.
Conclusion re District Plan Matters
Reaching this point follows many years’ hard work and considerable cost. Your committee
gratefully acknowledges the continuing support of members which has made it possible.
MRAI has incurred considerable expense defending our interests. It is vital that all members
renew their subscriptions. If you have not yet renewed your membership please do so now,
and think of it as insurance: subscription costs are small compared to the potential effect on
property values if Matarangi was to lose its open space network.
It is appropriate to record our appreciation for the consistent efforts and cooperation
received from TCDC elected representatives and staff, and particularly from the Mercury Bay
Community Board and the Mercury Bay Area Manager. The community is grateful for this
support when there are many competing demands on TCDC staff and stringent control of
Thanks There are many local people who give voluntary service to this community and we should recognize and appreciate them: • The Matarangi Rural Fire Force, who also serve as our First Response Paramedics. • Mercury Bay Ward TCDC councillors Tony Fox and Murray MacLean. • Community Board Chairman, Paul Kelly. • Members of the Matarangi Reserves Management group: Ian Patrick, Sue & Harry Karl, Jenny Atmore, David Macdonald. They receive great cooperation from Scott Farrell, the Council’s Reserves Manager for Mercury Bay.
I record my appreciation to the members of the Committee, which since our last AGM on 29
January 2017 the committee has comprised: Keith Cullum (Deputy Chairman), John Dunn,
Hilary Falconer, Ben Green, Harry Karl, Alastair MacCormick, Ian Patrick, Jim Scott, Grant Short and Bob Stevens.
We thank our Honorary Auditor, Trevan Smith, for his valuable service over many years and
we wish him well as he relocates back to Auckland.
This is the final meeting for our Secretary, Jim Scott. With Ian Patrick, Jim resurrected this
Association in 2001 and since then they have served as Treasurer and Secretary respectively.
Jim and Jenny will be relocating back to Auckland next month when we will farewell them
after 17 years in Matarangi. Jim has been a guiding force for the Association, always alert to
issues affecting our membership and promoting improvements on our peninsula. Jim and
Jenny have taken a special interest in Matarangi’s reserves, often leading planting groups and caring for the environment. Please join me in a vote of appreciation to Jim Scott.
Alastair MacCormick
Treasurer's Report – [Ian Patrick]
Copies of audited Income and Expenditure statements were forwarded to all members with
the notice of this meeting.
Income for the March 2017 financial year was $16,327 being subscriptions of $14,200,
donations of $1,955 and interest of $172.
Expenditure was $6,139; professional fees $3,964; email expenses $140; a $1035 contribution towards the costs of the Summer Carnival and $1,000 in support of Taste of
Matarangi. This left an operating surplus for the year of $10,188.
Moved: I Patrick Seconded: R Brown “That the 2017 accounts be received and approved”. Carried
Interim accounts to September 2017 were circulated to reflect significant changes in our
affairs with several generous advances to fund the Open Space zoning issue recorded and
professional fees incurred at $79,600. We acknowledge the generosity of those people who
have assisted in funding our current level of professional expenses and are continuing to do
Support from our membership is stronger than ever with current membership at 380 and the
current balance of our bank account is $85,240. While we currently have a healthy balance, as you have heard we may continue to face ongoing costs this year in defending the open
space zoning so we would like to maintain the membership fee at the current level.
Moved I Patrick, seconded J Scott: “That the subscription fee for 2017-2018 remain at $50” Carried
Matarangi Reserves Management Group Report – [David Macdonald]
The Matarangi Reserves Management Group met on three occasions during 2017. On each
occasion Scott Farrell, Community Facilities Field Representative for the TCDC attended and on one occasion The Chairman of the Mercury Bay Community Board was in attendance.
Some of the achievements during 2017 or due to take place early 2018.
A community BBQ has been installed at the Village Green and it is being used regularly. TCDC provided a power source near the Village Green to assist the Taste of Matarangi as well as ignition for the BBQ.
As you are all aware we have experienced extreme weather bombs across the country and
Matarangi has been no exception. The retention basin in the Village Green has done its job
perfectly in controlling surface water.
We have been working with The Council on a Heritage Board. Wording and layout is currently with the local Iwi. It is planned to erect the Heritage Board near the Village Green.
Ian Patrick, Treasurer of MRMG, has been working with Council on the placement of a Shade Cloth over the Village Green playground. The cost of this is around $24,000, of which the TCDC will pay $15,000 and MRMG providing the balance, $9,000. We could not have achieved this without the support and financial backing of the Richardson’s Real Estate Library Fund who are providing the majority of MRMG’s share. So, to all the people who use the Library we say a big thank you. The good news is that the Shade Cloth should be in place by the end of February 2018.
Unfortunately, we have experienced vandalism at different times, particularly the destruction
of recently planted trees and of road/street signs. Whilst this is an irritant it also means that funds for community projects are being raided to cover the costs of replacing these items. The affected trees on the Village Green have all been replanted and are being watered regularly.
Wilding pines continue to be a problem, particularly on areas of land around the Spit. Most of these pines are on Golf Course land and, as such, are unable to remove them.
I take this opportunity to thank Sue Karl, our secretary, and committee members Ian Patrick, Jenny Atmore and Harry Karl for all their efforts in 2017.
Election of MRAI Committee
From the Constitution: “One vote per residence”.
Proper nominations had been received for: Keith Cullum, Hilary Falconer, Ben Green, Harry Karl, Alastair MacCormick, Ian Patrick, Grant Short, Bob Stevens.
As there were no further nominations, these persons were declared re-elected.
Appointment of Honorary Auditor
We sincerely thank Trevan Smith for his many years of valuable assistance in auditing our
annual accounts. He will audit this financial year’s account before relocating back to Auckland in the middle of the year. [A vote of appreciation to Trevan was carried with acclaim.]
Alan Cunningham has offered to succeed Trevan as our Honorary Auditor, and is so nominated for the position. [This was seconded and carried.]
Councillor Tony Fox expressed the Council’s appreciation for the consistently positive input
of the Matarangi community. An excellent working relationship had been established
between MRAI and the Council. With respect to the Long Term Community Plan, he is confident a good outcome will be attained. Council has been saddled with a $30 million bill to adopt and implement the recent legislation for National Drinking Water Standards.TCDC
was acutely aware of future sea level change, as a significant area of the region was
less than 3m above mean high water. They were working hard on the implications of this scenario. The Reserves Management Plan was being reviewed. It was felt that the present plan was too prescriptive, and that local people – residents and property owners – knew what was best for their areas.
Mercury Bay Community Board Chair Paul Kelly has been a resident of Matarangi for 28 years. He advised that he has now moved to Whitianga, but would however continue to take a close interest in the future of Matarangi.
Fire Chief and Civil Defence Coordinator Stu Arnold reported that the merger with the NZ
Fire Service on 1 July 2017 was good for stations such as Matarangi.
Responding to a question, he confirmed that the Matarangi Fire Force was responsible for
the purchase and installation of security cameras at the junction of Matarangi and Kenwood
Drives. The cameras were now owned by TCDC, and monitored by NZ Police.
General Business
The Chairman outlined the rules for discussion during this section.
“In view of the interest in the future of Matarangi open space, I plan to allow discussion to
run for up to an hour. This should provide time adequate for the airing of differing
perspectives and allow those who need to travel today to get away.“
Discussion will be in 2 parts. Part 1 will allow members and visitors to discuss all matters
other than the Golf (2012) appeal. Once this is complete Part 2 discuss the Golf (2012) appeal.“
Parliamentary rules of debate require that no remarks are directed at personalities. We will apply that rule today. All speakers will be limited to one minute, except for the Golf (2012) Ltd sole director, Mr. Siemelink, who will have three minutes at the start of discussion about the open space.
Part 1 Other Matters
A few enquiries about general matters.
Part 2 The Golf (2012) Appeal The Chairman: “Currently there are about 1500 properties at Matarangi, with 120 having frontages to the open space of the golf course. Through the last year your committee has been concerned about the lack of awareness of the District Plan process and the appeals among Matarangi property owners. We are no longer concerned! [about awareness, that is!]. Matters have become very public in local media and in discussion.“
This appeal will not be resolved by our discussion here today or by the intervention of PR specialists. The Environment Court will decide the matter – the Judge will issue a decision either based on the evidence and the legal issues argued by counsel in the courtroom, or by a consent order should the parties reach agreement.
“The issues to be resolved are about open space, not about its use as a golf course. TCDC has resolved that the Golf (2012) land should have an Open Space zoning. After a public process lasting over 4 years, the Commissioners confirmed Council’s deci
sion. Golf (2012) has appealed that decision, requesting the whole of its land be zoned residential. That is the core issue.
“Not an inch of the land in question has ever had a residential zoning. Through a long series
of District Plans, stretching back over 50 years to the time when Matarangi was an
undeveloped sand spit, the principles for development of this seashore community have
incorporated large blocks of open space to separate housing cells and provide opportunities
for active and passive recreation.
“Throughout, with the strong endorsement and financial contributions of its members, your
Association has supported the TCDC position on open space. Our support for the TCDC defence of its decision is about open space. The discussion we are about to have should focus on that issue: should the land in question remain open space or be subdivided for residential use?“
To focus the discussion the Committee has asked me to move the following motion from the chair: “That the Matarangi Ratepayers Association endorses the Thames Coromandel District Council Decisions Version of the District Plan, and supports the retention of the land presently used as a golf course as open space.”
Seconded Keith Cullum.
The motion was tabled until conclusion of proceedings.
There was animated discussion, with participants observing the rules of the debate despite obvious emotions. At times the discussion became embroiled in the arcane technicalities of planning regulations and the interpretation of the structure plan. It was notable that many who spoke had owned Matarangi property for 20 years or more, and heartening to hear unequivocal support for the owners of properties bordering Holes 1 & 2.
Mike Siemelink, supported by PR advisor Michelle Boag, described and defended his position in the face of what can only be described as overwhelming opposition from the audience. He was here, he said, “to engage with the community”. He maintained that when he bought at Matarangi in 2011 the only holes zoned open space were 10 to 16. He now wanted to develop “a tiny fraction’ [holes 1 & 2] and in return offered a reconfigured 18 hole golf course, covenanted “in perpetuity”. His offer was valid until 28 February this year.
Alastair MacCormick responded that MRAI would consider any offer placed before them,
provided it was supported by details. MRAI did not consider that a broadsheet distributed
around the community was a proper offer.
As he had observed earlier: “The outcome will be decided in the court”.
Numerous speakers rose to speak to the motion. The following are some of the key points
raised by the speakers and by subsequent explanations from MRAI Committee members:
- Under the Operative District Plan the zoning of the golf course was a combination of Open Space and Passive Recreation zoning. Residential housing was a non-complying
activity in both of these zones. It is also a non-complying activity in the Open Space
zone in the current Proposed District Plan. It is not therefore correct for the golf course
owner to claim that the new District Plan has removed the opportunity to develop the
golf course for residential purposes.
- The proposal advanced by the golf course owner to covenant the remainder of the
golf course in perpetuity subject to the community agreeing that residential
subdivision could occur on holes 1 and 2 was not an offer that could be accepted
because among other matters:
(a) It would divide the community.
(b) Irrespective of some parties to the Appeal agreeing to such an offer, the
Holes 1 and 2 Group, which is one of the s.274 parties to the Appeal would not
agree. Therefore the Appeal would still proceed to the Environment Court.
(c) There is no guarantee that any covenant placed on land by a developer
could be enforceable in perpetuity as proposed by the golf course owner.
- It was reported to the meeting that last year an offer to purchase the golf course
for $1.7 million had been submitted to the golf course owners by a Matarangi resident. The proposed purchase was for the purpose of vesting the course in community ownership. At that time the current owner was a minority shareholder. The principal shareholders were agreeable to the proposal, but the current golf course
owner bought out the interest of the major shareholder.
- A small number of speakers offered varying degrees of support for the proposal
advanced by the golf course owner.
On conclusion of these Part 2 discussions, the tabled motion was put and carried with
but 5 objectors.
The meeting closed at 11:05am.
Matarangi Ratepayers Association Incorporated Chairman: Alastair MacCormick Secretary & Editor James Scott, 753 Matarangi Drive, RD2 Whitianga 3592.
Tel. 07 8660744
Address subscriptions and membership enquiries to: The Treasurer, Ian Patrick, 130 Puka Crescent, RD2 Whitianga 3592. Tel. 07 866 0751