We have a Plan – Call to Action!
Winter storms over the last decade have gradually eroded the spit. Last winter the damage was more than usual. About 100m of the round-the-spit track has been washed away meaning the circular walk can be completed only when the tide is low enough to walk on the beach.
Led by MRAI Chair Mark Bedford, a group of locals has engaged with Greg Jenks, a coastal erosion expert who has had much success with dune restoration around New Zealand, to develop a Restoration Plan.
The Plan
The plan is summarised in this document.
Detailed plan information is on the Matarangi website www.ourmatarangi.com/omaro-spit. The project is estimated to cost $140,000 - $170,000.
The project can’t start until Waikato District Council grants a Resource Consent. We are asking WRC to approve the consent in time for the project works to be completed before next winter.
What help is needed?
This is a Matarangi community project, sponsored by the Matarangi Ratepayers Association, Matarangi Land Holdings Ltd and the Matarangi Community Trust.
Volunteer help is needed to plant the dunes with NZ native species next autumn, after contractors have installed soft groynes and pushed up sand to start the dune restoration.
Once consent is granted, the Matarangi Community Trust (registered as a charity) will accept community donations to fund the project.
We will run a short appeal for donations once the project has regulatory approval.